Trees planted in 2012 to commemorate Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee
105 trees were planted on the afternoon of Sunday 11th November 2012 to commemorate Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee, including one sapling from a Royal Estate.
Morton was awarded the 105 trees by the The Woodland Trust. Tina Chipp submitted the bid to get more trees on behalf of the Parish Council and village.
We received free advice on where and how to plant the trees.
Why did we want more trees in Morton?
- They stabilise the soil, generate oxygen, store carbon and play host to a wide variety of wildlife.
- There is nothing like walking around a flourishing young wood that you’ve helped create, knowing that the trees will last for generations. We hope that people in Morton will feel better spending time around trees and woods.
- People love to live in green neighbourhoods – seeing trees through the windows and sitting outside on sunny days.
- Trees are a great place for children to play. While most adults have fond memories of playing in trees and woods as children, generations today are not always so lucky.
- Planting trees and woods is a great way to connect children with nature – digging in the mud, watching a young tree grow and spotting the wildlife it attracts. In woodland our children’s imaginations can soar – hiding in trees pretending to be Robin Hood is always more fun than hiding behind a curtain!
A total of 20 volunteers turned out on the afternoon of 11th November to plant the trees with sleeves rolled up and spades at the ready.
A consultation with Derby County Council’s Biodiversity Projects Officer, Nick Moyles, led to the trees being planted close to the new Centre of England Park off New Street. A quick briefing (and biscuits) took place and then the group set to work and managed to plant all 105 trees in just over one hour!
Each tree was planted with a cane to help support the tree and a perspex protector to keep away hungry wildlife.
Mrs Tina Chipp, who has co-ordinated the wildlife and biodiversity side of the Park redevelopment, said she would like to offer a hearty thanks to all that turned up to plant the trees.
Tina said: “The trees look a little insignificant at present but given the right care they will soon grow and enhance the area. With a bit of luck we will soon have picnic benches in between them for the not so energetic to watch the planned five a side football.”
Since the new park has been constructed many more people now use it. Morton Parish Council and local residents are doing their best to maintain the park and develop it into an area that appeals to all age groups.
It was very disappointing to those of us working to improve our village to see over 60 of these trees stolen or destroyed within the first 7 days after planting (including the sapling from a Royal Estate which had gone within 24 hours). The canes and tree guards were thrown down the banking on each side. The vandalism / thefts were carried out quite methodically destroying whole sections of trees. Needless to say this is very disappointing, not only to Morton Parish Council and the volunteers who applied for the trees and took advice on where to plant them, but particularly for the children who were involved in planting many of the trees.
There remains a strong appetite to further improve the area around the new Centre of England Park. Funding for the park was granted on the condition that we improved the biodiversity of the area surrounding the park, and the trees were the first stage. We submit regular reports to Viridor (who gave us over £60,000 for the park) on our progress. We have taken advice from Nick Moyles on other things that we can do. He has advised that we plant areas of wildflower and put up bird boxes in the woods either side of the park. We have managed to get loads of bird boxes for free so watch out for them – they will be put up soon.