Village Information

This section of our new website includes information about Morton Village and the amenities and facilities that can be found in the village.

The information contained in this website is provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon. Morton Parish Council does not recommend or endorse any of the activities, venues or groups shown on this website. They are listed to help residents of Morton find out about the range of activities available.

We do our best to make sure that entries are up-to-date and in some cases we display a third party website through one of the pages in this website, which ensures that the content we display is as up to date as the third party website.

This website may contain links to external websites and may display external websites on pages of this website. External websites may link to this website. We do not necessarily recommend, endorse, or sponsor, and are not responsible for any third party content that may be accessed or viewed through this website or from which this website may be accessed.

The information in this section can be accessed by either clicking on one of the links below or by clicking on one of the sub-menu items under Information on the navigation bar above.