About us

The Parish Council consists of nine Councillors and is assisted by the Clerk. Our job is to represent the interests of the village and its residents to both North East Derbyshire District Council and Derbyshire County Council. We are also responsible for looking after and maintaining public facilities such as the two playgrounds, the bus shelters, the hanging baskets and planters, the dog bins and certain of the grit bins.

All meetings of Morton Parish Council are open to the public. Everyone is very welcome to come along. The meetings are usually held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7.30 pm in the Rectory Rooms. An agenda is displayed on the three village notice boards and on this website before each meeting. On the agenda is a ‘public session’ – this usually lasts 10 minutes and allows any Morton electors to address the meeting. The minutes of each meeting are also available on the village notices boards and on this website. This website has an archive containing the minutes of meetings since 1970.

As well as attending monthly council meetings, councillors regularly attend meetings of the District and Parish Liaison Group and the Parish and Town Council Liaison Forum meetings.

Parish Council Newsletters are regularly distributed to every household in the village. They are also available to read in the Newsletters section of this website.